Real Estate Motivational Quotes
10 Motivational Quotes For Real Estate Agents By Realtyna Inc Real Estate Technology with Realtyna 4966111 Email Short URL Share: September 17, 2019 08:26 AM. Everyone needs motivation. Sometimes people often forget how to find the inner strength to do their best at work and usually give up.
Real estate motivational quotes. Running a successful real estate business requires a lot of work, and some days you might feel you like won’t see the fruits of your labor. That’s why we’ve gathered these motivational quotes to push you through rough patches and gray days to the brighter movement ahead. There’s always oppotunity in real estate. It’s just a matter of. Want to sell more houses? Need inspiration and motivation to create a successful real estate agent business? Here are a list of the best daily positive affirmations and inspirational quotes for realtors & real estate agents who want to sell more property and create a successful business. Affirmations to help realtors sell more houses I can easily sell many houses. I close many sales a year. 10 brilliant quotes every real estate agent should read, apply, and share As we go about our busy day-to-day routines, it can be easy to fall into the trap of just “going through the motions.” I’ve found that one of the easiest, fastest ways to jump out of this rut is a good quote. May 28, 2019 - Real Estate is a fierce business to be in. Here are some great quotes for when it seems overwhelming. . See more ideas about Motivational quotes, Real estate, Real estate agent website.
Some of the most powerful quotes that can help inspire you to invest in real estate. "The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate."-Andrew Carnegie "Buy land, they're not making it anymore."-Mark Twain "The best investment on earth is earth."-Louis Glickman "He is not a full man who does not own a piece of land." 10 Motivational Quotes For Real Estate Agents. 08 Sep 2019 Posted at 10:00h by Eli 0 Comments. 0 Likes. Share. Everyone needs motivation. Sometimes people often forget how to find the inner strength to do their best at work and usually give up. Is this a solution? Of course, no. Feb 1, 2017 - Real Estate Quotes Motivation,... .. Visit! Own It Land . com. See more ideas about Real estate quotes, Real estate, Real estate quotes motivation. Even on a good day, real estate agent motivation can wane. This can be a difficult business. But in many markets, winter can put a fine point on the challenges. Feast or famine – it’s the nature of the real estate beast. Yes, business is cyclical and, yes, real estate veterans know to be prepared for the down times.
50 Inspirational Quotes for Real Estate Investors. 1. Progress always involves risk. You can’t steal 2nd base and keep your foot on 1st.– Fred Wilcox. 2. Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. – Gregory Peck. 3. Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. Famous Quotes About Real Estate. Here’s a compilation of classic and famous real estate quotes from thought leaders and personalities published online and offline, giving excellent insights into the business and the value of owning a property. For most of us, great real estate quotes are like self help books. If you keep reading the same ones over and over they tend to get boring. That’s why we decided to dig a little deeper for this article and find 57 more insightful, funny, and motivational real estate quotes that you haven’t heard a million times before. Why motivational real estate quotes? Because it doesn’t matter if you’re leading a team of top producers or a beginner agent just getting started, we all get burned out at some point.And one of the best ways to cope with the negative emotions of rejections or failure is by reading the words of others.
Motivational Quotes & Real Estate Quotes “You can never solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created the problem in the first place.” – Albert Einstein “A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.” – Mark Twain Motivational real estate quotes. 22. “Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt. 23. “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. “Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.” –Suze Orman, financial advisor and motivational speaker “The house you looked at today and wanted to think about until tomorrow may be the same house someone looked at yesterday and will buy today.” –Koki Adasi, Koki & Associates, Inc. “Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be. Inspirational Real Estate Quotes. 9. “Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.” -Russell Sage. 10.